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Service rules

  • Service rules

1. Terms and definitions.

1.1. For the purposes of the Platform Rules, the following terms and definitions apply:

Platform - an Internet site available at https://portalbilet.ru/ (including all domain levels) through the full and mobile versions, which is a collection of objects of intellectual property of the Company contained in the information system and information (administrative content and user information) and providing information about the service and other offers (together - the "offer"), which users can suggest and search on the Platform in order to conclude transactions.

Platform operator - Limited Liability Company "National ticket portal", a legal entity registered in accordance with the legislation Of the Russian Federation, which catalogs business, cultural, sports and other events (conferences, trainings, master classes, forums, webinars, exhibitions, fairs, seminars, summits, matches, performances, concerts, etc.).

Client - a natural or legal person who is a user of the Platform and has ordered or intends to order services from the Platform Operator through placing an order.

Ticket - a document or information issued electronically or on hard copy, granting the right, which the Client wishes to acquire, to getting access to the service, information about which is posted on the Site.

Order - order (task) of the Client to the Platform Operator for the provision of services.

Content - absolutely any informational or informative content Platforms.

Platform site - Internet site at https://portalbilet.ru/.

Registered user - a natural or legal person who has passed registration procedure on the Platform, which has gained Access to the Personal Account and ordered or intending to order services from the Platform Operator by issuing Applications.

Application - an order of the Registered user to create, modify, post in the public domain and delete Proposals without the approval or moderation of the Platform Operator.

Offer - a set of information about the service, information about which is posted on the site.

Platform Member - Registered user / Client who has accepted the Rules platforms.

Identification - a set of measures to establish / update information about Platform participants and confirmation of the accuracy of this information.

User - a visitor to the Platform Site who is an individual, acting independently or on behalf of a legal entity / individual entrepreneur.

Personal Account - the account of the Registered User in the Personal Account.

Personal Account - a special section of the Site that allows the Registered to the user / client to get access to data on the status and statistical information of the Personal account, details of the Application / Order, accounting for information about the offer and personal data, completed transactions, etc.

Agency Agreement - an agreement concluded when placing an Order with an instruction Client The Platform Operator shall complete a transaction on behalf of and at the expense of the Client.

Transaction - conclusion of the Service Agreement, which is Appendix No. 5 to Platform rules.

2. General provisions

The platform rules are developed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Terms of Use of the Platform.
The platform rules determine the conditions and procedure for interaction of the Platform Operator with Registered users, Clients, Users the procedure for the provision of services to ensure the possibility of making transactions between these persons.
All annexes to the Platform Rules are their integral part.

2.1. The procedure for providing information.

2.1.1. Unless otherwise provided by the Platform Rules, the information subject to provision to Registered Users / Clients in accordance with the Rules platform, communicated to Registered Users / Clients by sending information message in any of the following ways:

  1. in the form of an email message;
  2. in the form of an electronic message or electronic document through the Personal Account;
  3. SMS message;
  4. in another way that allows you to unambiguously identify the date of direction information message and its addressee.

2.1.2. When providing information in the ways provided for in subparagraphs 1) - 2) of clause 2.1.1 of the Platform Rules, an information message is considered delivered to the moment the Platform Operator sends such an information message.

2.1.3. Information addressed not to a specific person, but to all Registered users / Clients, can be provided through its disclosure on the Site platforms. Such information is considered provided at the time of its disclosure on the Site. platforms.

2.2. Terms of joining, obligations and rights of the Platform Operator.

2.2.1 The platform rules establish the terms of the agreement on the provision of the Operator's services platforms, determine the rights and obligations of persons joining the Platform Rules and Platform operator, general conditions for the provision of services when making transactions with using the Platform and ensuring interaction of all participants of the Platform for making transactions using the Platform. Conclusion of a service agreement The platform operator is carried out by joining the Registered users to the Platform Rules in accordance with the terms of Article 428 of the Civil of the Code of the Russian Federation.

2.2.2 The Platform Rules are posted by the Platform Operator on the Platform Website at information and telecommunication network "Internet" at: https://portalbilet.ru/.

2.2.3 Platform rules are approved by the Platform Operator.

2.2.4. The platform operator has the right to unilaterally amend the Rules platforms. Moreover, such changes cannot apply to the relationship between Registered users / Clients and the Platform Operator that arose before the entry into force of such changes. For relations that arose before the entry into force of such changes, changes apply to the rights and obligations arising after the entry into the strength of such changes.

2.2.5. The platform rules can be accepted by the Platform Participant only by joining the proposed current version of the Platform Rules as a whole.

2.2.6. The Registered User joins the Platform Rules by fulfillment of the conditions in accordance with clause 3.1. Appendix No. 3 of the Platform Rules.

2.2.7. The decision to conclude an agreement of accession to the Platform Rules is made By the Platform Operator, subject to the execution by the Registered User the requirements set out in section 3 of the Platform Rules.

2.2.8. Decision to grant admission to the conclusion of transactions using the Platform in any case, is accepted by the Platform Operator only after passing Registered User Identity.

2.2.9. The client joins the Platform Rules by fulfilling the conditions in in accordance with clause 7.1. Appendix No. 4 of the Platform Rules.

2.2.10. The platform operator undertakes:

  1. provide the Platform Participants with the services provided for by the Platform Rules properly;
  2. provide platform Participants with access to the Platform, subject to their compliance all conditions and performance of all necessary actions provided for by the Rules platforms;
  3. ensure interaction between the Platform Participants aimed at conclusion of a transaction using the Platform and through the provision of services Platform operator;
  4. maintain the confidentiality of information that has become available during the provision of services Platform operator;
  5. comply with other conditions and take other actions provided for by the Rules platform and applicable law.

2.2.11. The platform operator has the right to:

  1. terminate the admission of the Platform Participant to the Platform in case of non-compliance with the conditions or failure to perform the necessary actions, provided for by the Platform Rules;
  2. request the Platform Participant as provided for by the Platform Rules and by the internal documents of the Platform Operator the information necessary for proper provision of services;
  3. unilaterally amend the Platform Rules;
  4. carry out preventive work on the Platform, carry out its modification and updating, including partially restricting or temporarily suspending access to The Platform until the completion of the required maintenance and modification;
  5. perform other actions provided for by the Platform Rules and applicable legislation.

2.3. Assurances of the circumstances.

2.3.1. In accordance with article 431.2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation The Registered User / Client / User assures the Platform Operator of the following circumstances:

  1. To obtain admission to transactions using the Platform Registered user, the Client provides the Platform Operator with complete and reliable information for identification purposes.
  2. The registered user provides complete and reliable information about your Offer. Terms of the Proposal submitted by him to conclude transactions with using the Platform does not violate the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation. The offer does not mislead the Client and the Platform Operator; not contains information that does not correspond to reality, including the presence of Registered user ownership of the subject of the Offer, rights make a deal in the absence of the necessary licenses, permits, accreditations or inclusion in the corresponding register.

2.3.2. In the event that these assurances were violated or at the time of obtaining admission to make transactions using the Platform and during the entire period of provision admission to transactions using the Platform, as well as during the entire period actions of the Proposal and concluded by the Registered User in accordance with such Offer of contracts were invalid and / or unreliable, and compiled in violation of the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Operator platform has the right to terminate admission to transactions using the Platform and / or recover losses of the Platform Operator arising from such a violation or invalidity and / or unreliability of the said assurance.

2.3.3. In the event that these assurances were violated or at the time of obtaining admission to make transactions using the Platform and during the entire period of provision admission to transactions using the Platform, as well as during the entire period actions of the Proposal and concluded by the Registered User in accordance with such Offer of contracts were invalid and / or unreliable, drawn up in violation of the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and entailed for itself claims of third parties and / or government agencies, including, but not limited to the instructions of Rospotrebnadzor, Rosfinmonitoring, the Bank of Russia, Federal Antimonopoly Service, other executive authorities Registered user / Client / User who violated or provided such assurances are obliged to reimburse all losses and expenses of the Platform Operator, including including those related to compensation by the Platform Operator of losses to third parties and / or payment of fines in connection with the settlement of these claims, as well as other fines and / or lost profits of the Platform Operator, in accordance with the Platform Rules.

2.4. The procedure for approval, amendment and entry into force of the Platform Rules.

2.4.1. Platform Rules, as well as the procedure for the entry into force of the Platform Rules and certain provisions of the Platform Rules are approved by the Platform Operator.

2.4.2. Changes and additions to the Platform Rules are made by approving the Rules platforms in the new edition.

2.4.3. Platform Rules, including the Platform Rules as amended or separate the provisions of the Platform Rules in the new edition come into force on the next calendar day after the day of disclosure of information about this on the Platform Website, if otherwise more the later date of entry into force has not been determined by the decision of the Platform Operator.

2.4.4. The date of entry into force of the Platform Rules, including the Platform Rules in the new edition or individual provisions of the Platform Rules in the new edition, also disclosed on the Platform Website.

2.5. Dispute Resolution Procedure

2.5.1. The parties will make every effort to resolve disputes through negotiations.

In case of failure to reach an agreement through negotiations, all civil disputes and disagreements arising in connection with the implementation of the activities of the Platform Operator in in accordance with the Platform Rules, are subject to review and permission:

  1. in the Arbitration Court of the city of Moscow, if, in accordance with the current the legislation of the Russian Federation, the consideration of the dispute is attributed to the competence arbitration court;
  2. in the Cheryomushkinsky District Court of the city of Moscow, if the consideration of the case attributed to the competence of courts of general jurisdiction and was not selected by the Platform Participant another court to file a claim for the protection of his rights as a consumer.

3. Rules for the provision of services to the Platform Participants.

3.1 General.

3.1.1. The rules for the provision of services to the Platform Participants determine the requirements presented to the Platform Participants, their rights and obligations, registration procedure Platform participants and the establishment of a Personal Account on the Platform Website, measures impacts applied to the Platform Participants, the procedure for admitting to transactions with use of the Platform, suspension, renewal and termination of admission to making transactions using the Platform, as well as the procedure for resolving disputes and disagreements that may arise between the Users / Participants and the Operator platforms, as well as other conditions provided by law.

3.1.2. Rules for the provision of services to Platform Participants, other documents of the Operator platforms that regulate the operational and technological conditions of interaction, necessary for the operation of the Platform, the decisions of the Platform Operator are communicated to information of the Participants in accordance with section 2.1. Of the platform rules and are mandatory for the Platform Participants.

3.2. Requirements for Platform Participants, their rights and obligations.

3.2.1. Platform participants can be individuals and legal entities that meet the requirements set out in the Requirements for Platform Participants, which are Appendix No. 6 to the Platform Rules.

3.2.2. The participant must comply with the requirements contained in the Platform Rules, during the entire time when the Participant is admitted to making transactions using Platforms. Non-compliance with these requirements is the basis for suspension / termination of admission to transactions using the Platform in in the manner prescribed by the Platform Rules.

3.2.3 The platform member has the right to:

  1. send the Platform Operator an Order and / or an Application and make transactions with the participation of Platform Operator, subject to the conditions determined by the Platform Rules;
  2. receive information from the Platform Operator formation on the conditions under which the transactions, and following the results of transactions using the Platform in accordance with Platform rules;
  3. have access to information provided (disclosed) by the Platform Operator Participants, taking into account the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and in the manner provided for by the Platform Rules;
  4. send the Platform Operator requests related to the use of the Platform;
  5. participate in marketing programs, promotions and other incentive events the nature of the platform Operator;
  6. carry out other actions provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and Platform rules.

3.2.4. The platform member is obliged to:

  1. conscientiously comply with the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Platform Rules when using the software, the platform provided by the Operator for interaction, when performing transactions and issuing instructions;
  2. fulfill their obligations related to the execution of transactions using Platforms;
  3. fulfill their obligations arising from agreements with the Platform Operator;
  4. inform the Platform Operator about circumstances that may affect the Participant fulfills his obligations;
  5. when changing the Participant's data provided to the Platform Operator in a timely manner inform the Platform Operator of such changes;
  6. maintain the confidentiality of information that has become available to the Participant when performing transactions, taking into account the provisions contained in the Platform Rules;
  7. execute decisions made by the Platform Operator in accordance with the Rules platform or its internal documents;
  8. comply with the procedure for resolving disputes and conflict situations established Platform rules;
  9. to fulfill other obligations stipulated by the Platform Rules.

3.3. The procedure for registering Users as Registered Users Platforms.

3.3.1. To register the User as a Registered the user must perform the following actions on the Platform Website:

  1. indicate the last name, first name and patronymic (if any) of the User / details legal entity;
  2. indicate the mobile phone number and confirm it by entering provided by the Platform Operator by means of a short text message (SMS messages) one-time password;
  3. provide an email address and confirm it according to the instructions, provided by the Platform Operator;
  4. provide consent to the processing of your personal data in accordance with conditions specified in the Privacy Policy (Appendix No. 2 to the Rules platforms);
  5. fill out the Registered User's Questionnaire electronically on the Site platform, in the form approved by the Platform Operator. Information that should be specified in the Registered User's Questionnaire, set by the Operator platforms and are contained in Appendix No. 7 to the Platform Rules;
  6. send through the use of the Platform Site to the Platform Operator Registered user profile and Consent to the processing of their personal data;
  7. by sending such a message, the Registered User expresses his consent (Offer acceptance) for the offer of the Platform Operator to conclude an Agreement for the provision of information and technical services - Appendix No. 3 to the Platform Rules.
  8. directing through the use of the Personal Account after completing the procedure registration and identification to the Platform Operator Application (in the form, established by Appendix No. 8 to the Platform Rules) Registered the user accepts the proposed current version of the Platform Rules at the time directions of the Application.

3.3.2. The registered user undertakes to timely update and maintain up-to-date information provided to the Platform Operator until termination of registration on the Platform. The registered user bears the risk the onset of adverse consequences caused by the late provision of Operator of the platform with up-to-date information or their untimely updating.

3.3.3. When filling out the Questionnaire, the Registered User undertakes to provide reliable and complete information about yourself (in terms of data requested by the Operator platform at the time of registration of the User), timely update and maintain this information is up to date. If the User provides incorrect information or the Platform Operator has reason to believe that the provided The information is incomplete or unreliable by the User, the Platform Operator has the right refuse to register the User, and in relation to the Registered User Platforms - make a decision to cancel registration on the Platform.

3.3.5. By registering, the Registered User agrees to receive messages to the e-mail address (e-mail) specified during registration and the number mobile phone from the Platform Operator. The user can at any time refuse to receive messages from the Platform Operator by sending to the Operator free-form application platforms through the Personal Account.

3.3.6. The platform operator sends a notification to the Registered User about successful registration in accordance with section 2.1. The platform rules are not later than 1 (one) business day from the date of actual registration.

3.3.7. The registered user is responsible for all actions (and their consequences) when using the Platform Site and Personal Account, including cases voluntary transfer of data to access your account to third parties. Moreover, all actions of the Registered User when using the Platform Site and Personal cabinet, including those committed on his behalf, on his behalf or with his consent are considered to be produced by him.

3.3.8. The registered user is obliged to immediately notify the Platform Operator any unauthorized (not authorized by the Registered User) access to the Personal Account by contacting the Customer Support Service.

3.3.9. The platform operator has the right to refuse the User registration as Registered user of the Platform without specifying the reasons for refusal.

3.4. Cancellation of registration of the Registered User of the Platform.

3.4.1. Cancellation of the registration of the Registered User shall entail the termination his access to the Personal Account, the status of the Registered User is terminated.

3.4.2. Registration of the Registered User is canceled in the following cases:

  1. at the discretion of the Registered User;
  2. as decided by the Platform Operator.

3.4.3. When the Registered User decides to cancel registration, he sends the Platform Operator an application in the form approved by By the platform operator, through the Personal Account.

3.4.4. When making a decision by the Operator cancellation platforms Registered user, such Registered user is notified The platform operator in accordance with section 2.1. Platform rules no later than 5 (five) business days from the date of the decision by the Platform Operator.

3.4.5. Cancellation of the registration of the Registered User is possible only when provided that there are no unfulfilled obligations for previously concluded using Platforms to transactions, except in the case where the need to cancel registration directly provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.4.6. Upon receipt by the Platform Operator of an application for cancellation of registration or when the Platform Operator decides to cancel the registration, the Operator platform is obliged no later than the next business day from the date of receipt of the application terminate the Registered User's access to the Personal Account, while admitting Registered user to make transactions using the Platform is also stops.

3.4.7. Upon cancellation of registration, the User's funds accounted for By the platform operator on his personal account, paid in accordance with the Rules platforms.

3.5. Granting access to transactions using the Platform.

3.5.1. Granting access to transactions using the Platform means providing the Registered User with the opportunity to use software and hardware of the Platform for the conclusion (execution) of transactions with using the Platform.

3.5.2. Registered User's admission to transactions using Platforms are provided within 1 (one) business day from the moment of passing Registered User Identification in accordance with the procedure, established by the Platform Operator. The registered user is notified about granting access to transactions using the Platform in accordance with See section 2.1. Platform rules.

3.5.3. The platform operator has the right at any time before granting admission to perform transactions using the Platform, as well as during the entire service period Registered User to request from such Registered User providing additional information and documents, including documents and information required for Identification, as well as for re-Identification, other information.

3.5.4. Information requested in accordance with clause 3.5.3. Of the platform rules should be submitted within the period specified in the request of the Platform Operator, and if such a period is not specified, then within 5 (five) working days from the date of receipt by the Registered by the user of the Platform Operator's request. If the specified period is not enough in order to respond to the request of the Platform Operator, the Registered User must send the Platform Operator explanations regarding the reasons for the delay in the provision of the requested information, indicating the time frame during which the requested information will be prepared and sent to the Platform Operator.

3.5.5. The Platform Operator sends a request to the Registered User information in the order of paragraph 3.5.3. Of the platform rules, in accordance with section 2.1 Platform rules.

3.5.6. The registered user provides the requested documents and information to the Platform Operator through the Personal Account or using electronic communication channels allowing the identification of the Registered user.

3.6. Suspension of the Registered User's admission to transactions with using the Platform.

3.6.1. Under the suspension of the access of the Registered User to the commission transactions using the Platform is understood to be temporary (until the elimination of the reasons, entailing the suspension) suspension of the possibility of the Registered user to make transactions using the Platform.

3.6.2. Unless otherwise established by the Platform Rules, in case of suspension of admission Registered user to make transactions using the Platform The registered user has the right to take actions related to the withdrawal funds from the account in the Personal Account, with the exception of cases of suspension admission under the circumstances specified in clause 2, clause 3.6.3.

3.6.3. The platform operator may decide to suspend admission Registered user to make transactions using the Platform when the occurrence of one of the following circumstances:

  1. The registered user does not meet the requirements of the Platform Rules, presented to Registered Users;
  2. The Platform Operator received information about the provision of the Platform to the Operator Registered user of false information during registration and / or Identification;
  3. the Platform Operator has information that the Registered User became insolvent (bankrupt);
  4. The platform operator received information indicating the need suspension of the Registered User's admission to transactions with use of the Platform from federal executive authorities or the court;
  5. the presence of a regulatory risk for the Platform Operator or the risk of losing a business reputation in connection with the service of the Registered User;
  6. The registered user did not provide the information requested in the order paragraph 3.5.3. Platform rules.

3.6.4. Registered User's admission to transactions using Platforms are suspended immediately upon appropriate decision Platform operator. Registered user is notified of suspension admission to the execution of transactions using the Platform and on the basis of suspension tolerance in accordance with section 2.1. Platform rules.

3.6.5. Registered User's admission to transactions using Platforms can be renewed in accordance with the decision of the Platform Operator upon subject to the elimination of the circumstances that led to its suspension. Renewal of admission Registered user to make transactions using the Platform carried out no later than the next day from the date of the decision by the Platform Operator. The registered user is notified of the renewal of admission to commit transactions using the Platform in accordance with section 2.1. Platform rules.

3.6.6. The Platform Operator makes a decision to suspend admission The registered user is not allowed to make transactions using the Platform deprives the Registered User of the opportunity to fulfill obligations under the earlier transactions concluded using the Platform, with the exception of cases of suspension admission under the circumstances specified in clause 2, clause 3.6.3.

3.7. Responsibility.

3.7.1. The platform operator is responsible to the Platform Participants in in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, taking into account the provisions Law of the Russian Federation dated 07.02.1992 No. 2300-1 "On Protection of Consumer Rights".

3.7.2. For violation by the Platform Participant of the requirements of the Platform Rules Participant platform is responsible as provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as the Platform Rules.

3.8. The procedure for sending and considering claims and appeals of the Platform Participants.

3.8.1. The Platform Operator provides Platform Participants with the ability to direct claims and appeals related to the use of the Platform in relation to the operation of the Site platform, the provision by the Platform Operator of services related to transactions with use of the Platform, as well as in connection with the performance of the duties of the Operator platforms provided for by the Platform Rules and applicable law Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as Participants' Appeals).

3.8.2. Participants' requests are sent to the Platform Operator at: Russian Federation, city of Moscow, st. Admiral Rudnev, 4, room. 15b, office 9e or electronically through your Personal Account.

3.8.3. Participants' appeals must be in writing, contain the subject of the appeal, information allowing to identify the Platform Participant, the date compilation and address for communication with the Participant of the platform. The participant's claim must be signed by the Platform Participant in his own hand.

3.8.4. The platform operator considers the Applications of the participants within a period not exceeding 10 (ten) business days from the date of receipt.

3.8.5. The Platform Operator notifies about the result of consideration of the Participant's Appeal Platform Participant in accordance with section 2.1 of the Platform Rules.

3.9. Registered user instructions.

3.9.1. Registered user in cases determined by the Platform Rules, sends instructions to the Platform Operator on the performance of actions and / or operations in the order and the timeframes established by section 7 of the Platform Rules, as well as in accordance with this section of the Platform Rules.

3.9.2. The registered user sends instructions to the Platform Operator via Personal Area.

3.9.3. Registered User's instructions to the Platform Operator may be one-time, periodic or permanent (without limitation of validity period), contain an indication of a specific date and (or) period, as well as contain conditions, if the occurrence of which the operations stipulated by them must be performed.

3.9.4. The platform operator accepts for execution the instructions of the Registered user when the Registered User fulfills the conditions defined Platform rules. Registered User's instructions are accepted by the Operator platforms for execution in the manner and terms established by section 7 of the Platform Rules.

3.9.5. The platform operator has the right to refuse the Participant to follow the instructions on grounds established by the Platform Rules and current legislation Russian Federation.

3.9.6. Information on the execution / refusal to comply with the instructions of the Registered the user is communicated to the Registered User by notification in in the order established by section 2.1 of the Platform Rules.

3.9.7. The Platform Operator notifies the Registered User of execution / refusal to execute the instructions of the Participant within a period not exceeding 5 (five) business days following the date of submission of the Registered User's instruction, unless a different period is established by the Platform Rules.

4. Information disclosed by the Platform Operator, the procedure and terms for disclosing such information.

4.1. The platform operator discloses platforms in the public domain on the Website at: https://portalbilet.ru/, the following documents and information:

  1. company name of the Platform Operator, information about the state registration;
  2. location of the Platform Operator;
  3. Platform rules and changes made to them (new version of the Platform Rules);
  4. details of the settlement account of the Platform Operator;
  5. contact details.

4.2. Information and documents specified in this section of the Platform Rules, disclosed within the time period established by applicable law or applicable regulatory legal acts, the Platform Rules or the relevant document, and if such a period or procedure for disclosure has not been established, then within a period not exceeding 5 (five) working days from the date of entry into force of the relevant document, the occurrence of an event or registration of a change.

5. Transactions made using the Platform.

5.1. The platform operator has the right to determine the types of agreements (transactions), the conclusion (commission) of which can be carried out using the Platform.

5.2. The list of types of agreements (transactions), the conclusion (execution) of which may be carried out using the Platform, may be changed by the Platform Operator in unilaterally.

5.3. The platform is used to conclude an Agreement for the provision of services for obtaining the right access to the service.

6. Procedure for making transactions using the Platform

6.1. General provisions.

6.1.1. Conclusion of transactions using the Platform in accordance with the Rules the platform is carried out by registration by the Platform Operator of the Application Registered User and the corresponding Order of the Client in the established The platform rules are in order.

6.1.2. By the Registered User's Application, on the basis of which a transaction in accordance with the Platform Rules and using the Platform is recognized the Offer of the Registered Company formed using the Platform User, addressed to the Client about the intention of the Registered User consider yourself to have entered into an agreement with the Client, who will accept such an Offer. The Registered User's Application is made in electronic form in in accordance with the Platform Rules.

6.1.3. The order of the Client in accordance with the Platform Rules is the formed using the Platform, the Client's order to the Platform Operator upon acceptance of the conditions Registered User's Offers and Transactions.

6.1.4. Submission of an Application by a Registered User using the Platform means the unconditional consent of the Registered User to conclude with the Client the relevant transaction on the terms specified in such Application of the Registered the user upon receipt by the Platform Operator of the corresponding Customer Order.

6.1.5. The direction of the Client's Order using the Platform means unconditional the Client's consent to conclude a transaction on the terms specified in the relevant Offer.

6.1.6. The platform operator is not a party to transactions made with use of the Platform, and is not responsible for non-performance (improper execution) by any of the parties to a transaction concluded using the Platform, obligations under such a transaction.

6.1.7. Rights and obligations under a transaction made using the Platform, arise directly from the Registered User and the Client.

6.1.8. Platform Operator when submitting a Registered User Application informs the Registered User about the conditions under which the the corresponding transaction in accordance with section 2.1 of the Platform Rules.

6.1.9. Registered User Application and generated on its basis The offer has a validity period established by the Platform Rules for the corresponding type of Offer, after which on the basis of such an Application of the participant, it is impossible to conclude a transaction using the Platform.

6.1.10. The order submitted by the User to the Platform in accordance with the Rules platform, is a message in the form approved by the Platform Rules (Appendix No. 9 to the Platform Rules).

6.1.11. By sending such a message, the User also expresses his consent to joining the Platform Rules in accordance with clause 2.2.9. Platform rules.

6.1.12. After receiving the User's Order, the Platform Operator notifies the Client about creating a Personal Account of the Platform Participant according to the rules provided for in the section 2.1. Platform rules.

6.1.13. The platform operator, after registration and identification of the User as Of the Client, provides the Client with the Agent's Services, in accordance with the terms of the Agency agreements - Appendix No. 4 to the Platform Rules.

7. The procedure for making settlements when making transactions using the Platform

7.1. General provisions.

7.1.1 Settlements when making transactions using the Platform are carried out in the procedure established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.1.2. The Client's funds using the Platform can only be transferred to the account of the Platform Operator with whom he entered into an Agency Agreement.

7.1.3. Settlements when making transactions using the Platform are carried out in the following ways:

  1. settlements using the service of the CloudPayments payment system.

7.1.4. The Client, by joining the Platform Rules, authorizes the Platform Operator carry out transactions with funds, the rights to which belong to the Client, in in order to fulfill the Client's obligations under transactions made using Platforms.

7.1.5. Reliability of information on settlements for transactions made using Platform is provided by informing the Participant about transactions with his money funds by sending the Agent's Report, in accordance with section 2.1 of the Rules platforms.

7.2. Operations with the Client's funds.

7.2.1. The platform operator after receiving the Client's funds to his account carries out the following operations with them:

  1. crediting funds in favor of the Registered User in connection with fulfillment by the Client of obligations under the by the user of transactions using the Platform, execution by the Platform Operator their obligations to provide the services of the Platform Operator;
  2. write-off of funds in order to transfer the funds provided for by the Rules platforms for the amount of agency fees and payments for information technology services to the Platform Operator.

7.2.2. The Client, by joining the Platform Rules, authorizes the Operator platforms to carry out transactions with funds, the rights to which belong The Client, in order to fulfill the obligations of the Participant under transactions made with using the Platform, without the instructions of the Client.

7.3. Refunds to the Client.

7.3.1. The platform operator makes a refund based on an application Client about the return of funds in the event of:

  1. The inability to receive the service by the Client when the Platform Rules and rules are fulfilled a person providing a service, the right of access to which is acquired by the Client.
  2. If it is impossible to provide access to the service due to the fault of the Operator platforms.

7.3.2. Funds, the rights to which belong to the Client, are transferred to this To the client in order to return within a period not earlier than 5 (five) working days from the date of receipt The operator of the platform of the Client's application for a refund, but no later than 5 (five) working days from the date of the Event, but in any case after the day holding the Event.

7.3.3. If the Client refuses at any time before the receipt of the service purchased by promotions ("exclusive offer", "early booking" and other promotions indicated on Site of the Platform), access to which was acquired as part of the Agent's execution of cl. 1.1. Agency agreement and transferred to the Client, refund of funds to the Client carried out in accordance with the Rules of the Promotion (Appendix No. 11 and Appendix No. 12 of the Platform Rules).

7.4. Procedure and term and informing the Registered User about the commission operations on a personal account.

7.4.1. The Platform Operator informs the Registered User of the operations, made on the Personal Account with the funds of the Registered User, including the crediting of funds to the Personal Account or the debiting of funds funds, and also confirms the execution of the instructions of the Registered User in in accordance with the procedure and within the time frame established by this section of the Rules platforms.

7.4.2. Information about transactions on the Personal Account with funds Registered user, as well as confirmation of the execution of instructions The registered user is communicated to him by means of notification in the order, established by section 2.1 of the Platform Rules.

7.4.3. The Platform Operator notifies the Registered User of the operations on Personal account within a period not exceeding 5 (five) working days from the date of the corresponding operation or execution of the instruction.

7.4.4. A registered user can get information about the balance of cash funds on the Personal Account by entering the Personal Account.

7.5. The procedure for keeping records of funds of the Registered User on Personal account.

7.5.1. The platform operator keeps track of the funds of the Registered of the user who are on the Personal Account by displaying information about the completed transactions in a specific section of the Personal Account.

7.6. Payment system services.

7.6.1. Settlements for transactions made using the Platform are possible when using the Services of the payment system in the manner prescribed by other applicable regulation and the Platform Rules.

7.6.2. Money transfers are carried out using the Payment system CloudPayments.

7.6.3. The platform operator is not responsible for making payments (making settlements) when the Client uses the Payment System Services.

7.6.4. Through the Services of the payment system, the following can be carried out operations:

  1. debiting funds from the Client's bank account to be credited to the bank account of the Platform Operator for the execution of transactions made using Platforms;

8. Rules for posting information about the Registered User's Offer about concluding transactions using the Platform.

8.1. Registered User's offer to conclude transactions using Platforms.

8.1.1. The platform operator, in accordance with the Platform Rules, organizes the reception Registered User's offers to conclude transactions using Platforms.

8.1.2. Registered user after going through the Registration procedures and Identification sends the Platform Operator an Application using the Platform in in electronic form in the form established by the Platform Operator.

8.1.3. Forms and formats of the Registered User's Offers established by Platform operator disclosed in the information and telecommunication network "Internet" at the address: https://portalbilet.ru/.

8.1.4. The registered user is obliged to ensure the completeness, accuracy and full compliance of the information contained in the Offer, the terms of the transaction, with the proposal for the provision of which, using the Platform, he applies.

8.1.5. Receipt by the Platform Operator of the Registered User's Application means the consent of the Registered User to post the information contained in the Offer formed on the basis of the Application, on the websites of aggregators in information and telecommunication network "Internet", and that also on the Platform Site.

8.1.5. The Registered User's offer is considered valid until withdrawal of such an Offer in the manner prescribed by the Platform Rules.

8.1.6. The registered user has the right to revoke the previously sent and posted on the Platform Website or posted on the aggregator's website in information and telecommunication network "Internet" Offer by sending The platform operator is notified in electronic form.

8.1.7. Revocation Notice to Registered User Suggestions is considered by the Platform Operator within one working day from the date of receipt the corresponding notification, unless a different period is established by a separate agreement.

8.1.8. By sending an Application to the Platform Operator, the Registered User agrees for the Platform Operator to take actions aimed at transformation of the information contained in the Proposal, which consists in giving information of the kind necessary for visual perception. Separate conditions about transformation of the information contained in the Offer can be set in a separate agreement between the Platform Operator and the Registered User.

8.2. Requirements for the Offer.

8.2.1. Registered User's offer must not:

  1. mislead Users / Clients and other consumers of services;
  2. contain information that does not correspond to reality;
  3. contain guarantees or promises of receipt by the Client of a certain degree satisfaction.

8.2.2. Registered User's offer must be made Registered user subject to advertising legislation, and features established by the legislation on transactions in respect of which they are compiled.

8.2.3. The information contained in the Offer and provided to the Participants must fully comply with the terms of the transaction concluded by the Client when sending them Instructions for the platform operator to complete the relevant transaction.

8.3. Placement of Proposals to conclude transactions using the Platform.

8.3.1. The Platform Operator ensures that the Offer is posted on the Platform Website.

8.3.2. The platform operator has the right to post Offers on aggregator sites in information and telecommunication network "Internet".

8.3.3. The platform operator places an Offer in the amount provided by Registered user. In this case, the Platform Operator does not have the right to make changes to the Offer, with the exception of actions aimed at transforming information contained in the Proposal, which consists in giving the information the form, necessary for visual perception.

8.3.4. When the Platform Operator places Offers by comparing the conditions such Offers excludes direct or indirect influence received by the Operator platforms of remuneration or other conflicts of interest for a list of compared The proposals and the results of such a comparison.

8.3.5. The platform operator has the right to refuse to place Offers if the contained the information in them does not correspond to those specified in clause 8.2. Platform rules requirements.

9. Platform operator services and payment procedure.

9.1 Customer Services.

9.1.1. The platform operator provides the Participants with services related to collateral the possibility of making transactions using the Platform.

9.1.2. Payment for the services of the Platform Operator by the Client is carried out in accordance with the terms of the Agency Agreement.

9.1.3. The platform operator has the right to conduct marketing activities, promotions and other stimulating events with the involvement of Clients. Client's consent to participation in marketing events, promotions and other events stimulating character, is considered to be provided by the Client from the moment the Client places the Order.

9.2. Services for Registered Users.

9.2.1. The platform operator provides Registered Users with the following services:

  1. connection to the Platform, transmission and posting of information about the Offer;
  2. ensuring interaction aimed at concluding a transaction using Platforms;
  3. carrying out operations on the Personal Account in accordance with the concluded transactions;
  4. other.

9.2.2. Registered users undertake to pay for the services provided The platform operator in the manner and terms established by this section of the Rules platforms.

9.2.3. The cost of the services of the Platform Operator is determined in accordance with the terms Agreement on the provision of information and technical services.

9.2.4. Information about the amount of remuneration (about changing the amount of remuneration), and also the procedure for calculating it is disclosed in the Personal Account.

9.2.5. The platform operator has the right to unilaterally change the cost of services Platform operator, terms of payment for services and set the cost of the Operator's services platforms for other types of services. The platform operator is obliged to notify the Registered of the user on the entry into force of the new Cost of services of the Platform Operator, in the order defined in section 2.1. Platform rules.

9.2.6. Payment for services is made by the Registered User in the manner determined by the terms of the Agreement on the provision of information and technical services.

9.2.8. In case of suspension or termination of the admission of the Registered the user, the remuneration paid for the Platform operator's Services is not refundable subject.

10. Information protection and security when making transactions using the Platform.

10.1 The platform operator in order to ensure the protection of information and security when carrying out activities is guided by the requirements of the Platform Rules, the Policy confidentiality and legislation of the Russian Federation.

10.2. The platform operator provides the Client with the ability to access the service, the right to which the Client wishes to acquire. If it is impossible to obtain such access, the Platform Operator provides a full refund.

10.3. The platform operator ensures the receipt of funds by the Registered by the user, when concluding a transaction, subject to his compliance with the Platform Rules and the requirements of the current legislation.

Terms of Use of the Platform

Welcome to the website portalbilet.ru, Platform - marketplace of offers, which brings buyers and sellers together. Terms of use of the Platform ("Terms") govern the relationship between us ("Platform Operator", "we") and Internet users who have accessed the Platform ("users", "You") and which, in turn, are divided into sellers - Registered users and buyers - Clients. You can use the Platform in in accordance with the provisions of the Terms, Privacy Policy and Platform Rules in the whole. If you do not agree with them, you need to stop using the Platform.

1.What is the Platform

Platform is an Internet site available at https://portalbilet.ru/ (including all domain levels) through the full and mobile versions, which is a collection of intellectual property objects contained in the information system Platform and information operator (administrative content and user Information).
The platform is a marketplace that provides information about the service and other offers (together - "services") that users may offer and search on the Platform for the purpose of concluding transactions.

The Platform Operator provides Registered Users ( "Sellers") technical ability to post information (Offer) on the Platform in the format, offered for these purposes by the Platform Operator, in the categories of services provided. For such services, the Platform Operator charges a fee from the Registered User, posting its Offer using the Platform, in accordance with the Platform Rules. The platform operator provides all users ( "Buyers") (independently from registration, identification and authorization) the technical ability to seek and view offers on the Platform for the purposes specified in the Terms. The Platform's automatic algorithms process requests in order to provide relevant information in the search results.

The platform operator is not a participant, organizer of the transaction, buyer or the seller. Buyers use the information posted on the Platform by Sellers, to conclude transactions with Sellers with the assistance and control of the Operator platforms (by concluding an Agency Agreement ("Agreement") on the provision of services for selection and purchase of future services). For the provision of services under the Agreement Operator platform charges a commission in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.

2. Registration on the Platform

You can become a Registered User ("Seller") on the Platform by using mobile phone numbers and email addresses. After registration we will create your unique profile. There can be only one profile at a time on the Platform, tied to one phone number and email address.

By registering on the Platform and each time you enter the Platform, you warrant, that you have all the powers necessary to conclude and execute the Terms.

3. Login to the Platform

You can enter your profile on the Platform (log in) using your number mobile phone and email address specified in your profile. In such in case you need to enter a password.

It is your responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of your login details to the Platform. If you have reason to believe that someone has gained unauthorized access to them, let us know immediately. All actions performed on the Platform by a person authorized with your login details will be deemed to have been committed by you. You will be responsible for such actions.

4. User Information

The information that you provide to the Platform Operator about yourself must be reliable, up-to-date and should not violate the law and the rights of third parties. V If the provided information changes, the user is obliged to update them in his Personal account on the Platform. We may ask you for documents or information to identification or confirmation of authority. If you do not provide them, we will has the right to restrict access to your Personal Account until such documents or information.

We do not disclose to third parties information about users that are not posted in open access, with the exception of cases provided by law (for example, by the request of the authorized state bodies).

5. Offer Information

Offer Information - text and / or images that are Registered users of the Platform transfer to the Platform on the Application for posting information about service offer.

The Platform Operator does not act as a distributor of such Information. The seller is the owner of all Information that is posted on the Platform. Seller by Application creates, modifies, publishes and deletes Information without our approval or moderation. The platform operator reserves the right to host Information in accordance with the graphic design of the Platform for the purpose of convenience visual perception.

Registered user obya it is necessary to independently ensure full compliance Information on legislation, Terms of use of the Platform. You warrant that your Information does not violate the rights of third parties to the results of intellectual property activities.

The platform does not censor Information. We are taking action on Information based on requests from authorized persons in the manner prescribed by law.

You grant the Platform Operator the right to use your Information and the included into it objects of intellectual property under the terms of a non-exclusive license: indefinitely, without providing a reward, in any way, for action in everything the world, both with and without the name of the author. We can use your Information for the execution of the Terms, improvement of the Platform, for marketing purposes, in commercial and non-commercial projects. We have the right to post Information on others Internet resources and grant the rights to it to our partners. We have the right to save archival copies of the Information and not to withdraw from circulation the materials that contain it.

6. Communication of the Platform with users

We can guide you:

  • system notifications from which you cannot unsubscribe: for example, to confirm registration, inform about the restriction of access to the Personal Account;
  • service notifications related to your actions on the Platform: for example, personal selections of interesting proposals;
  • marketing notifications: invitations to participate in research, promotions and news of the Platform Operator and our partners;
  • notifications about the acquisition from you or you of the right to access the service, changes in the conditions for acquiring such a right and other information on transactions between users through the Platform.

We can send you messages in the notification center in your Personal Account, at the e-mail address or telephone number provided by you, as well as in messages to Platform. In some cases, we may also contact you by phone (for example, for feedback and improvement of services).

You can manage service alerts and marketing notifications in settings of the Personal Account. The settings may differ depending on the device.

7. Removing Personal Account

You have the right to delete your Personal Account on the Platform at any time by contacting Customer Support.

Within 30 days after deleting your Personal Account, you will not be able to use for a new registration, the phone number and e-mail address that was specified in remote Personal Account.

8. Intellectual property protection

Exclusive rights to computer programs required to use the Platform, databases, graphic design of the interface (design) and other elements of the site Platforms, brand name, trademarks / logos and other distinctive Platform marks, including those used in the domain name portalbilet.ru, belong to the owner.

The platform operator owns the rights to registered and unregistered Database. Databases include both offers posted in the open access on the Platform, and offers that are not available at a certain moment users to view. As a database manufacturer, the Platform Operator bears financial, material, organizational and other costs for their creation.

We have the right to apply on the images attached by the Seller to the Application for placement proposals on the Platform, logos / watermarks of the Platform, in order to protect materials in our databases from illegal copying.

10. License to use databases and programs

We grant users a non-exclusive license to use of databases and computer programs necessary for the use of the Platform, for the purposes provided for in conditions. License fees are not charged.

The license is granted from the moment of access to the Platform and remains valid until you are using the Platform. Searching and viewing offers is available to all users regardless of registration and authorization. In order to access functionality of the Platform for the placement of proposals, you need register.

Without the consent of the Platform Operator, it is prohibited to use technical means for interacting with the service bypassing the usual way of using databases and programs for computers. Including it is forbidden to use automated scripts to collect information on the Platform.

Without the consent of the Platform Operator, it is prohibited to use databases and programs for Computers for purposes not provided for by the Terms. This means that it is forbidden to retrieve materials from databases and / or to carry out their subsequent use in any form and in any way, regardless of their volume and agreement with third parties, if it is is not directly related to the conclusion of the transaction in relation to the services in the offer.

11. Obligations of users

By using the Platform and interacting with the Platform Operator, you agree to:

  • strictly comply with all legal requirements;
  • comply with the Terms of Use of the Platform, the Rules of the Platform and the instructions of the Operator platforms;
  • do not use obscene language, images and statements that provoke violence, hatred or disrespect, contain threats or insults, justify illegal actions, do not correspond to moral norms or business practices;
  • not use the Platform or the information posted on the Platform for purposes other than provided by the Terms;
  • do not download or use malware on the Platform;
  • not to take actions that may interfere with the normal operation of the Platform.

12. Violations and consequences

We may take action if we have reason to believe that using your Personal account or information transmitted for posting on the Platform has occurred or violation of the law, the rights of third parties or the Terms and Conditions may occur. We have the right restrict access to your Personal Account or to some functionality of the Platform, reject or block your Information. We also have the right to restrict access to Platform with specific IP addresses and phone numbers.

We can restrict access to your Personal Account in case of repeated or malicious violations of the Terms of Use, hacking of the Personal Account, failure to provide by the user of documents or information at our request, the liquidation of the user - legal entity, as well as if we notice in the user's behavior on the Platform signs of fraud, either in the presence of other similar circumstances, or if the user has registered a new Personal Account on the Platform instead of the blocked one previously.

We have the right to restrict and restore access to the Personal Account, as well as determine the conditions for such restoration are at their discretion and without giving reasons.

We are not responsible for possible losses caused to users in connection with taking measures to prevent and stop violations on the Platform. Recommended save a backup copy of your Information on your device.

For violation of the law or the rights of third parties when using the Platform, you you can be held administratively, criminal or civilly liable.

12. Final Provisions

Any form of interaction with the Platform (including viewing information) confirms your agreement with Conditions. Obligations of the Platform Operator to provide access to functionality of the Platform - counter to your obligations to comply with Conditions. When there is no charge for the use of the Platform, the legislation on consumer protection does not apply to the relationship between the Platform Operator and users. The provision of certain functionality of the Platform may subject to special conditions.

The functionality of the Platform at any time can be changed, supplemented or terminate without prior notice to users.

The use of the Platform is offered in the "as is" mode, that is, in the form and volume, in which the Platform Operator provides the functionality of the Platform at the time addressing them. We are not responsible for temporary interruptions and interruptions in work. Platforms and the resulting loss of information. We are not responsible for any consequential, incidental, unintentional damage, including lost profits or lost data, harm to honor, dignity or business reputation caused in connection with using the Platform. The platform is intended for users all over the world, however, functionality may be partially limited or not available in some countries.

The platform may contain links to third party sites. We do not control and do not bear responsibility for the availability, content and legality of such third party sites.

Disputes arising between the Platform Operator and users are resolved by negotiations. When resolving disputes between the Platform Operator and users the legislation of the Russian Federation applies. If no agreement is reached by negotiations, disputes should be referred to the court, in accordance with territorial jurisdiction at the location of the Platform Operator, unless otherwise provided by law.

We update the Terms of Use of the Platform as necessary. Recommend you periodically visit the page on which they are posted: https://portalbilet.ru/. By continuing to use the Platform after the Terms have been changed, you agree to the changes made to them.

Platform Privacy Policy

This policy describes how the Platform Operator processes and protects personal data of users of the Platform. The policy applies to both registered and unregistered users ( "users" ). Policy applies regardless of the device from which the user uses the Platform, and independently from the communication channel through which he addresses.

By providing the Platform Operator with personal data, the User agrees to processing them in accordance with this policy.

1. Definitions

Personal data - any information directly or indirectly related to to a specific or identifiable individual (subject of personal data).

Processing of personal data - the implementation of any actions or aggregate actions in relation to personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, updating and modification, extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), blocking, deletion and destruction - as with or without the use of automated data processing tools.

2. Processed data

The platform operator processes personal and technical data.

The user provides the Platform Operator with personal data when:

  • registers on the Platform;
  • uses the Platform and the services of the Platform Operator;
  • subscribes to mailing lists;
  • participates in events, research and surveys;
  • writes or calls the Platform Operator;
  • exercises the rights and fulfills obligations on the basis of:
  • terms of use of the Platform;
  • rules platform;
  • service agreement;
  • legislation.

The user's device automatically transmits technical data: information, stored in cookies, information about the browser and its settings, date and time of access to the Platform, addresses of the requested pages, actions on the website or in application, device specifications, IP address, etc.

3. Purpose of data processing

The platform operator processes personal and technical data in order to:

  • provide users with the opportunity to use the Platform and services Platform operator: create a profile / personal account, post offers, pay for services, etc .;
  • ensure stable operation and security of the Platform, improve user experience, quality of services and marketing activities of the Platform Operator;
  • prevent and suppress violations of the law, Terms of Use Service platforms and contracts;
  • respond to user requests;
  • fulfill the obligations provided for by law (for example, for accounting, tax reporting, answering government inquiries organs);
  • send marketing messages about the Platform and our partners;
  • organize user participation in events, research and surveys Platform operator and its partners; and for other purposes with the consent of the user.

4. Legal basis for processing

The platform operator processes the personal data of users:

  • with user consent;
  • for the conclusion, execution, amendment or termination of the contract - the Terms the use of the Platform and the service agreement;
  • to exercise the rights and legitimate interests of the Platform Operator or third parties, if this does not violate the rights and freedoms of the user;
  • to fulfill the obligations imposed on the Platform Operator by law.

The platform operator does not process special categories of personal data. Operator the platform does not process biometric personal data to establish personality.

5. Transfer to third parties. Cross-border transfer

The platform operator can transfer personal data or entrust their processing third parties. For example, if a user ordered delivery on the Platform, the Operator platform transfers data to the delivery service.

The platform operator transfers personal data only to those countries that provide them with adequate protection.

6. Security

Responsible handling of personal data is our standard of work.

To protect personal data, the Platform Operator:

  • Published and published on the website the Privacy Policy. Approved local acts on the processing and protection of personal data.
  • Regularly checks the processes and documents of the Platform Operator for their compliance the law.
  • Assesses the risks and harm that can cause if he violates the law on personal data. Based on the assessment carried out, selects suitable measures to comply with law.
  • Applies legal, organizational and technical measures to ensure security of personal data.

Taking measures to protect personal data, the Platform Operator is based on:

  • legal requirements;
  • the established level of protection of personal data;
  • actual threats identified by the threat model;
  • a basic set of protection measures established by regulatory legal acts for an appropriate level of security;
  • a risk-based approach in the selection of optimal measures;
  • prioritizing the legitimate interests of users.

7. Processing time

The platform operator stops processing personal data of users:

  • upon expiration of the consent period or upon withdrawal of consent (if there are no other grounds for processing required by law).
    The User agrees for 5 years from the date of deletion of his profile on the Platform. Another term may be provided in individual cases;
  • upon achievement of the processing goals or if there is no need to achieve them (if there are no other grounds for processing provided by law);
  • when unlawful processing is detected, if it is impossible to ensure the lawfulness;
  • upon liquidation of the Platform Operator.

8. Withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data

To revoke consent to the processing of personal data, contact the service support.

9. Policy change

The platform operator updates the policy as needed. Check periodically this page: https://portalbilet.ru/. Continuing to use the Platform after changes to the policy, the user agrees to the changes made to it.


Limited Liability Company "NATIONAL TICKET PORTAL", referred to in further the Contractor, represented by the General Director Podlinnov V.A., acting on on the basis of the Charter, this Offer Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) addresses any a person (an indefinite circle of persons) who has expressed a willingness to use the services The Contractor in the manner provided for in clause 3.1 of the Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Customer). The agreement, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is a public offer, the acceptance of the conditions (acceptance) of which is the commission of actions, provided by the Agreement.

1. Definitions

1.1. The terms of the Agreement govern the relationship between the Customer and the Contractor and contain the following definitions:

1.1.1. Offer - this document (Agreement) posted on the Internet via address: https://portalbilet.ru/. In accordance with the Agreement, the words offer and Agreement are equivalent.

1.1.2. Acceptance - full and unconditional acceptance of the offer through the implementation of actions specified in clause 3.1 of the Agreement.

1.1.3. Contractor - Limited Liability Company "NATIONAL TICKET PORTAL", which placed the offer.

1.1.4. Customer - an individual or legal entity that has entered into the Agreement by acceptance on the terms contained in the offer.

1.1.5. Website - the website at https://portalbilet.ru/.

1.1.6. Payment service is a service that allows the Contractor to accept payment from customers in the ways that the payment system provides and which are listed on the website https://cloudpayments.ru.

1.1.7. Application - the order of the Customer drawn up according to the established template for creation, modification, posting on the Site and removal of information materials about service or other offers.

1.1.8. Personal Account - a special section of the Site that allows the Customer get access to data on the state and statistical information of the Personal account, details of the Application / Order, accounting information about the offer and personal data of the Customer, completed transactions, etc.

1.1.9. Personal Account - the Customer's account in the Personal Account, reflecting the movement funds for transactions.

1.1.10. Transaction - the Agent's acceptance of the Customer's Proposal on behalf of and at the expense Principal under the Agency Agreement.

2. Subject of the agreement

2.1. In accordance with the Agreement, the Contractor undertakes, at the request of the Customer, to provide services for posting information about services or other offers owned by To the Customer, on the Contractor's website specified in clause 2.2 of the Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Site), and the provision of a unified form of the Offer Agreement for the provision of services (Appendix No. 5 to Platform Rules), which provide the right to access the service, owned by the Customer, according to the sample established by the Platform Operator, and the Customer undertakes to pay for the Services provided by the Contractor in the manner and on the terms, established by the Agreement.

2.2. The Contractor places the information provided by the Customer on the website, located on the Internet at: https://portalbilet.ru/.

2.3. The object of the Agreement is information material posted on the Internet.

Information material is text or graphic materials, provided by the Customer. Content and description of information material indicated in the Application for the placement of information material, which is an integral part of the Agreement.

Information material about a service or other offer, the rights to which belong To the customer, is drawn up by the customer.

2.4. The customer does not have the right to independently post information on the Site. Accommodation information is carried out in the following order:

2.4.1. The customer gets access to the Personal Account, in accordance with the Rules Platforms hosted at: https://portalbilet.ru/.

After completing the Customer's Application and receiving the Application by the Platform Operator, the information The Customer enters the Platform database.

2.4.2. Materials are placed in the Platform database in accordance with the Rules platform and the Platform Terms of Use.

2.4.3. After the approval of the Customer's Application, including the priority conditions for the provision of services to the Customer, the Contractor provides access for users of the Platform to receive Customer services, in accordance with the agreed terms.

2.4.4. The customer has the right to replace the provided graphic and text materials by sending new materials and an Application for replacement through the Personal Account or to e-mail of the Contractor. If the new materials meet the requirements, specified in the Platform Rules, the Contractor must replace them within 5 (five) working days after receiving the relevant materials from the Customer. Otherwise, within 5 (five) working days, the Contractor informs the Customer about the impossibility replacement.

2.5. The moment of rendering services under the Agreement is the emergence of the possibility of registration Requirements for the Personal Account in the Personal Account of the Customer.

2.6. The Contractor, in accordance with the terms of the Agreement, provides the Customer with other services based on the results of the discussion.

3. The procedure for concluding an agreement

3.1. The acceptance of the Agreement is the sending by the Customer of the Application in the form established By the performer.

3.2. By accepting the Agreement in the manner specified in clause 3.1 of the Agreement, the Customer guarantees that he is familiar with, agrees, fully and unconditionally accepts all the terms of the Agreement and the Platform Rules in the current at the time of sending the Application edition.

3.3. The customer understands that the acceptance of the Agreement is tantamount to the conclusion of the Agreement for conditions set forth in the Agreement.

3.4. The offer comes into force from the moment posting on the Site.

In cases where a timely sent acceptance is received with a delay, the acceptance is not is considered late if the Contractor does not immediately notify the Customer of the receipt late acceptance. If the Contractor immediately informs the Customer of acceptance acceptance received late, the Agreement is considered concluded.

4. Rights and obligations of the parties

4.1. The customer undertakes:

4.1.1. Timely transfer all necessary documents and information.

4.1.2. Provide complete and accurate information about goods and services in in accordance with the requirements of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 2300-1 dated 02/07/1992 "On protection of consumer rights" and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.1.3. Take full responsibility for services or other offers, information about which is posted on the Contractor's Website, while remaining the only the person responsible for the shortcomings of such services, as well as for their compliance with the description, without reference to the responsibility of third parties, such as suppliers, manufacturers and other persons.

4.1.4. Timely and in full pay for the Services in accordance with Agreement.

4.1.5. Refrain from copying in any form, as well as from reproduction, changes, additions, distribution (including public demonstration), use for commercial or other purposes of the content of the Contractor's Site (or any part of it), and also refrain from creating derived objects on its (her) basis without prior written permission of the Contractor. All exclusive rights to the Site are inalienable and remain with the Contractor in full.

4.1.6. Do not use any devices or computer programs to intervene or attempts to interfere with the normal functioning of the Site Contractor.

4.1.7. In case of violation by the Customer of clause 2.3.1. Of the platform rules Contractor in any in case, withholds from the Customer the cost of services rendered under this Agreement and the amount lost profits, in the amount of the agency fee under the agency agreement (Appendix No. 4 to the Platform Rules). The Customer also pays the Contractor a fine in in the amount of 50 percent of the value of the Proposal placed by the Contractor on the Application Customer on the Site.

4.2. The Contractor undertakes:

4.2.1. Use all personal data and other confidential information about the Customer only for the provision of services under the Agreement, do not transfer to third parties the documentation and information about the Customer.

4.2.2. In the absence of the Customer's claims within five calendar days after the provision of services, services are considered accepted, and the Contractor has the right to draw up and to certify a unilateral act of delivery and acceptance of services, which takes effect two-way.

4.2.3. Provide the Services provided for in the Agreement with the help of third parties without agreement with the Customer.

4.3. The customer has the right:

4.3.1. Request information from the Contractor on the organization and provision of proper provision of services.

4.4. The Contractor has the right:

4.4.1. Do not provide Services if the conditions for posting information are not agreed By the parties through the fault of the Customer.

4.4.2. Do not post information about services or other offers, the turnover of which prohibited by applicable law.

4.4.3. Bring information material in line with internal requirements Contractor. All changes should be aimed solely at improving perception of information by the consumer and should not distort the information of the Customer.

4.4.4. Independently determine the forms and methods of providing the Services based on the requirements legislation, as well as specific terms of the Agreement.

4.4.5. Will receive on request, the information necessary for the provision of the Services from third persons.

4.4.6. Edit or remove any information from the Site, including suggestions for the provision of services or other offers, if such information contradicts the Agreement, current legislation, as well as in other cases at the discretion of the Contractor.

4.4.7. Suspend or terminate the registration and access of the Customer to the Personal Account, if the Contractor reasonably believes that the Customer is unlawful activity.

4.4.8. The Contractor has the right to refuse to post information that, according to him opinion, violates applicable law, the rights of third parties, or does not comply standards of morality and ethics, or is an advertisement for services or goods that compete with the services / goods of the Contractor or persons affiliated with him, or does not correspond the topic of the site, or does not correspond to the editorial policy of the Site, or does not correspond the requirements specified in the Agreement and its annexes.

4.4.9. The Contractor has the right to change the terms of this Offer (Agreement) unilaterally okay. The date of entry into force of changes to this Offer is established by the Rules platforms.

5. Procedure for the provision of services

5.1. The Contractor provides services for posting information about services or other the Customer's proposals after the Customer's direct appeal to the Contractor with Application for the provision of Services. The application is sent by the Customer through the Personal Account Customer.

5.2. The Contractor provides services for the placement of information within the time frame established Agreement.

6. Rights to the results of intellectual activity

6.1. Exclusive rights to information material as a result of intellectual activities arising from the execution of the Agreement, as well as into component parts, elements of such a result, as well as other rights to the results of the performance of the Agreement, which are not protected results of intellectual activity, belong to the Contractor.

6.2. The customer has the right to use the information material resulting from intellectual activity, for the purposes for which the Agreement was concluded, on the terms of a gratuitous simple (non-exclusive) license, during the entire period actions of exclusive law and in all ways permitted by the Customer applicable legislation.

7. The procedure for receiving and transferring the services rendered

7.1. The moment of rendering services to the Customer under the Agreement, as in its separate stages execution, and under the Agreement as a whole, is the emergence of the possibility of registration Requirements for a Personal Account in the Personal Account of the Customer.

7.2. In the absence of the Customer's claims within five calendar days after the provision of services, services are considered accepted, and the Contractor has the right to draw up and to certify a unilateral act of delivery and acceptance of services, which takes effect two-way.

8. Cost of services and payment procedure

8.1. A fee is charged under the Agreement - Citu in accordance with the priority provision of services after the receipt of the Customer's Application in the amount calculated by the formula: Citu = Cpr โ€“ Cay โ€“ ะกz, where

Citu โ€“ the cost of the Contractor's services under this Agreement;

Cpr โ€“ the cost of the Offer indicated on the Site;

Cay โ€“ the cost of the Contractor's services under the Agency Agreement;

Cz โ€“ the cost of the Proposal specified by the Customer in the Application.

8.2. The Contractor has the right, upon written agreement with the Customer, to change the cost Services by sending a message by e-mail or through your Personal Account.

8.3. Payment methods under the Agreement:

8.3.1. Withholding of funds by the Contractor received under the Transaction on the settlement Contractor's account, in the amount determined in accordance with clause 8.1. Of the contract.

8.3.2. All prices are without VAT.

9. Personal data

9.1. To fulfill the terms of the Agreement, the Customer agrees to provide and agrees for the processing of personal data in accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 year No. 152-FZ 'On personal data' on the terms and for the purpose of proper execution of the Agreement. Under 'personal data' is understood as personal information that the Customer provides about himself independently to perform acceptance.

9.2. The contractor guarantees confidentiality in relation to personal data Customer and provides access to personal data only to those employees who this information is necessary to fulfill the terms of the Agreement, ensuring compliance by the specified persons of the confidentiality of personal data and the security of personal data during their processing.

10. Responsibilities of the parties

10.1. The parties are responsible for non-performance or improper performance of their obligations under the Agreement in accordance with the Agreement and the current legislation.

10.2. Penalty and / or fine under the Agreement shall be paid only on the basis of justified written request of the Parties.

10.3. Payment of a forfeit / fine does not relieve the Parties from fulfilling their obligations, provided by the Agreement.

10.4. Customer Responsibility:

10.4.1. If the Contractor becomes aware of a material violation By the Customer of the terms of the Agreement, the Contractor has the right to apply to the latter the following sanctions:

  • warning;
  • termination of the Agreement;
  • imposition of a fine.

10.4.3. The customer guarantees that the provided information materials and services or other offers comply with the law and do not violate the rights of third parties. V if a third party files a claim against the Contractor in connection with the content Proposals, the Customer undertakes to reimburse the Contractor for all losses and legal costs, related to this claim. Responsibility for the content of materials and services or other proposals are borne by the Customer.

10.5. Responsibility of the Contractor:

10.5.1. The Contractor is not responsible for false information, provided by the Customer, about services or other offers, persons providing such services.

10.5.2. The Contractor is not responsible for interruptions in the provision of the Services, caused by technical interruptions in the operation of equipment and software. At the same time, the Contractor undertakes to take all reasonable measures to prevent such interruptions.

11. Grounds and procedure for changing and terminating the contract

11.1. The contractor has the right at any time to unilaterally (extrajudicial) make changes to the terms of the Agreement. Changes to the terms of the Agreement come into force from the moment established by the Platform Rules, by the method established for placing offers.

11.2. The contract can be terminated by agreement of the Parties, as well as unilaterally order at the written request of one of the Parties on the grounds provided for Agreement and legislation.

11.3. Termination of the Agreement unilaterally is made only upon written the request of the Parties within 10 calendar days from the date of receipt by the Party of such requirements.

11.4. The customer has the right to terminate the Agreement unilaterally in the following cases:

11.4.1. If the Contractor has not eliminated the remarks and limitations.

12. Dispute Resolution from Dogothief

12.1. The claim procedure is mandatory. The dispute can be referred to permission of the court after the parties have taken measures for pre-trial settlement on the expiration of thirty calendar days from the date of sending the claim.

12.2. Disputes from the Agreement are resolved in court according to the jurisdiction determined Platform rules.

13. Force majeure

13.1. The parties are exempt from liability for full or partial non-performance obligations under the Agreement in the event that failure to fulfill obligations was a consequence of force majeure actions, namely: fire, flood, earthquake, strike, war, actions of state authorities or other independent of the Parties circumstances.

13.2. A party that cannot fulfill its obligations under the Agreement must timely, but no later than 15 calendar days after the onset of the circumstances force majeure, notify the other Party in writing, with the provision supporting documents issued by the competent authorities.

13.3. The Parties acknowledge that the insolvency of the Parties is not force majeure circumstance.

14. Other conditions

14.1. The parties do not have any accompanying verbal agreements. Text content The Agreement fully complies with the actual will of the Parties.

14.2. All correspondence on the subject of the Agreement prior to its conclusion will lose legal force from the date of conclusion of the Agreement.

14.3. The parties acknowledge that if any of the provisions of the Agreement becomes invalid during its validity due to changes in legislation, the rest of the provisions of the Agreement are binding on the Parties during the term of the Agreement.

Agency agreement for the provision of services

Limited Liability Company NATIONAL TICKET PORTAL, hereinafter referred to as the Contractor, represented by the General Director Podlinnov V.A., acting on the basis of the Charter, addresses this Offer Agreement (hereinafter text - Agreement) to any person (an indefinite circle of persons) who has expressed a willingness to use the services of the Contractor (hereinafter - the Agent) in the manner prescribed Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Customer).

The agreement, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is a public offer, the acceptance of the conditions (acceptance) of which is the commission of actions, provided by the Agreement.


The terms of the Agreement govern the relationship between the Client and the Agent and contain the following definitions:

Offer โ€” this document (Agreement) posted on the Internet at: https://portalbilet.ru/. In accordance with the Agreement, the words offer, Agreement, The Agency Agreement and the Agreement are equivalent.

Acceptance โ€” full and unconditional acceptance of the offer through the implementation of actions, specified in clause 7.1 of the Agreement.

Agent - Limited Liability Company NATIONAL TICKET PORTAL, which placed the offer.

Client โ€” an individual or legal entity, represented by an authorized representative โ€“ an individual who has entered into an Agreement by means of an acceptance conditions contained in the offer.

Website - the website at https://portalbilet.ru/.

Payment service is a service that allows the Contractor to accept payments from clients in the ways that the System provides and which are listed on the website https: //cloudpayments.ru.

Order - the acceptance and order of the Client for the provision of The service agent specified in clause 1.1. Of the contract.

Ticket โ€“ document or information executed electronically or on paper carrier, granting the right, which the Client wishes to acquire, to receive access to the service, information about which is posted on the Site.

1. Subject of the agreement

1.1. The Agent undertakes according to the Client's Order, drawn up in the form approved by the Agent and located on the Site, provide the latter with services for the search, registration and payment transfer of the right to get access to the service that the Client wishes to receive, delivery Tickets, and the Client undertakes to pay for the Agent's services in accordance with section 4 Of the contract.

1.2. For the purposes of this Agreement, the Agent's obligation to comply with clause 1.1. Agreement, referred to as the Agent Service.

2. Obligations of the parties

2.1. Responsibilities of the Agent.

2.1.1. Make an optimal selection of services in accordance with the Client's requirements specified in Application.

2.1.2. Carry out the Agent's Services with the subsequent transfer of funds to the seller of services in a timely manner.

2.1.3. Execute and timely provide the Client with the Agent's Execution Report obligations of the Agent provided for in clause 1.1. Of the contract.

2.1.4. Deliver Tickets to the Client:

- in case of electronic ticketing via electronic communication channels;

- if tickets are issued on paper, as agreed with the Client.

2.1.5. Ensure the confidentiality and security of personal data when they processing in accordance with the requirements of current legislation, the Rules platform and the Agent's Privacy Policy.

2.2. Obligations of the Client.

2.2.1. Place an order for the purchase of services in the form approved by the Agent and located on the Site.

2.2.2. Make payment for the purchased services in accordance with Section 4 of this Of the contract.

3. The procedure for the delivery and acceptance of the Services

3.1. Delivery-acceptance of the Agent's Services provided under this Agreement is carried out by providing the Client with the Agent's report.

3.2. Upon the provision of the Agent's Services, the Agent presents to the Client a signed with his parties Report the Agent in the Client's personal account.

3.3. If, during the acceptance of the Agent's Services, deviations from the terms of this Agreements that worsen the result of the Agent's Services provided, or other shortcomings in the Services Agent, the Client is obliged to notify the Agent about it and reflect this in a written a reasoned claim, and the Agent is obliged to eliminate the reasonably stated remarks in terms agreed by the Parties.

3.4. A client who, after accepting the Agent's Services, discovers deviations from the terms of this Contracts or other shortcomings that could not be established in the usual way acceptance (latent defects), is obliged to notify the Agent of this, and the latter undertakes eliminate such shortcomings within the time frame agreed by the Parties.

3.5. The date of the provision of the Agent's Services under this Agreement is the day of delivery (via electronic communication channels or transfer to a courier service for delivery to the Client) Ticket to the Client.

4. Settlement procedure

4.1. Payment is made by the Client in the form of a cashless settlement using the Payment CloudPayments systems.

4.2. Payment is made in advance in the amount of 100 (one hundred) percent of the service price, which the Client wants to receive indicated on the Site.

4.3. The cost of the Agent's services under the Agreement is 10 (ten) percent and is included in the price of the service that the Client wishes to receive, indicated on the Site.

4.3. The right to get access to the service is transferred to the Client only after its complete payment.

4.4. If the Client refuses the service, access to which was acquired within the framework of execution by the Agent of clause 1.1. Of the Agreement and transferred to the Client, refund is made according to the rules of the organizer (hereinafter - the Organizer), provided yielding the service, the right to access which has passed to the Client, posted on information resource of the Organizer. The Agent assists the Client in refusing to services in the return of funds by sending a return application to the Organizer or a person authorized by the Organizer.

4.4.1. The parties are aware that when interacting on issues of refund if the Client refuses the service, access to which was acquired within the framework of execution by the Agent of clause 1.1. Agreement with the Organizer or authorized by the Organizer person and transferred to the Client, the relations of the parties are governed by Art. 52.1 Fundamentals of legislation Of the Russian Federation on culture (as amended on 04/30/2021).

4.4.2. In this case, in the event of the Client's refusal to visit the organization performing arts or a museum of a spectacular event for reasons other than provided for in part ten of the above article, the Client has the right to return ticket, subscription or excursion voucher:

not later than ten days before the day of the entertainment event, receive back 100 percent of the price of a ticket, season ticket or excursion voucher;

less than ten days, but no later than five days before the day of the spectacular get back at least 50 percent of the price of a ticket, season ticket or excursion vouchers;

less than five days, but no later than three days before the day of the spectacular get back at least 30 percent of the price of a ticket, season ticket or excursion vouchers.

4.5. If the Client refuses the service for the promotion ("exclusive offer", 'early booking' and other promotions indicated on the Platform Website), access to which was acquired as part of the Agent's execution of clause 1.1. Treaty and transferred to the Client, the refund is made in accordance with the provisions Of the Platform Rules.

5. Responsibility of the Parties and the procedure for resolving disputes

5.1 The parties are responsible for non-performance or improper performance obligations under the contract in accordance with applicable law.

5.2. The Client is responsible for the accuracy of the information about the users of the Tickets, specified in the Order in the amount of the losses caused to the Agent.

5.3 Claims and claims, the subject of which is not the timeliness and quality services provided by the Agent for the purchase of tickets are presented by the Client directly to the Organizer.

5.4 The Agent is not responsible for the losses incurred by the Client as a result of events and circumstances not related to the scope of the Agent, as well as in cases transfers, delays and cancellations of services provided by the Organizer.

5.5. All disputes under this agreement are resolved through negotiations between the parties. At failure to reach an agreement, the dispute is referred to the court according to the jurisdiction, defined by the Platform Rules.

6. Privacy

6.1. The parties undertake not to disclose or distribute in any other form confidential documents, information and information received by them from each other in the course of execution actual agreement. Confidential information is not subject to disclosure and distribution in any other form as during the entire term of this Agreement, and after its termination, within the next 3 (Three) years, unless otherwise established by law.

It is not a violation of the Agent's provision of the Client's confidential information To the Seller and / or the Organizer to the extent necessary for the implementation of this Agreement subject to the latter's observance of the confidentiality of the specified information.

6.2. Unless otherwise established by agreement of the Parties, then confidential are all received by the Parties from each other during the execution of this Agreement information, with the exception of information that cannot be classified as confidential in conformity and with current legislation, as well as those information that without the participation of these Parties have been or will be published or otherwise circulated in official (official) sources, either became or will become known on legal on the basis also without the participation of the Parties from third parties.

6.3. Neither Party is responsible for actions related to submission to a court or other competent state body or organization confidential information, if the obligation to provide such information provided for by applicable law.

7. The procedure for concluding an agreement

7.1. The acceptance of the Agreement is the sending of the Order by the Client in the form approved by Agent and located on the Site.

7.2. By accepting the Agreement in the manner specified in clause 7.1 of the Agreement, the Client guarantees that he is familiar with, agrees, fully and unconditionally accepts all terms of the Agreement and the Rules of the platform as a whole.

7.3. The Client understands that the acceptance of the Agreement is tantamount to the conclusion of the Agreement on the terms, set out in the Agreement.

7.4. The offer comes into force from the moment determined by the Platform Rules.

Offer for the conclusion of the Agreement


The terms of the Agreement govern the relationship between the Customer and the Contractor and contain the following definitions:

SELLER - a person who owns the right to access the service, who wishes purchase the BUYER.

AGENT โ€“ a person acting on the basis of the Agency Agreement on behalf and at the expense of BUYER wishing to acquire the right to access the service, which belongs to the SELLER.

BUYER โ€“ a person who wishes to acquire the right to access the service, which belongs to the SELLER.

TICKET โ€“ document or information executed electronically or on paper carrier, granting the right, which the BUYER wishes to acquire, to receive access to the service, information about which is posted on the Site.

Subject of the agreement

The SELLER undertakes to transfer to the BUYER, and the AGENT undertakes to pay: the right to receive access to the service, information about which is posted at https://portalbilet.ru/ (hereinafter SERVICE).

The moment of the conclusion of the contract

The text of this Agreement is a firm offer addressed to one person.

Unconditional acceptance (acceptance) of this offer is the sending by the AGENT of the application for the purchase of a ticket, and the AGENT is considered as a person who entered into contractual relationship on behalf and at the expense of the Buyer.

Registration of the application and calculation is carried out by sending the appropriate forms to SELLER'S PERSONAL ACCOUNT.


The price of the Agreement is determined on the basis of the Buyer's Application, drawn up in accordance with with the Platform Rules.

The price under this Agreement is fixed and cannot be changed.


Payment can be made by bank transfer or in another way. Duty of the AGENT to pay considered executed from the moment the funds are credited to the SELLER's current account with the correct filling of the settlement and payment data (details) by the SELLER. AGENT not is responsible for the correctness of the details provided, produces transfer based on data provided by the SELLER.

SERVICES are supplied to the AGENT, which transfers them further to the BUYER, at prices, name, in quantity corresponding to the Application sent by the AGENT.

Payment is made by the AGENT by transferring funds from the AGENT's account to account of the SELLER or otherwise, including cash payments or by making a money transfer to the SELLER's bank card, in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation.

OplATA of funds under the Agreement is carried out after the AGENT receives the Requirement SELLER, minus the AGENT's commission for services rendered to the BUYER under the Agency agreement, no later than 5 (five) banking days after the date admissions Requirements. Also the AGENT and the SELLER have agreed in this Agreement the condition that payment for the Platform services rendered to the SELLER by the Platform Operator in within the framework of the Service Agreement (Appendix No. 3 to the Platform Rules), carried out by the AGENT unilateral deduction of the cost of such services, calculated in accordance with clause 8.1. Appendix No. 3 to the Platform Rules. Retention carried out by the AGENT at the time of receipt of the SELLER's Demand.

Ticket Delivery

The SELLER hands over the Ticket to the AGENT no later than 7 (seven) days prior to the date of issue services, the right to access which is transferred to the BUYER, unless another period is agreed by the parties in writing via electronic communication channels.

The AGENT transfers the Ticket to the BUYER no later than 2 (two) days before the date of delivery services, the right to access which has passed to the BUYER, unless another period is agreed by the parties in writing via electronic communication channels.

Delivery of the Ticket to the BUYER is carried out by the AGENT:

  1. Through electronic communication systems (e-mail, instant messengers) in case purchases of an electronic Ticket;
  2. As agreed with the BUYER when purchasing a Ticket on paper;
  3. Via a special application ('mobile ticket');
  4. An otherwise formalized right to access a service offered by the organizer of the event.

Failure by the BUYER to take the necessary steps to accept the Ticket cannot be considered by the SELLER as a refusal of the BUYER to execute the CONTRACT.


The SELLER is solely responsible for the reality, accuracy and the legality of the right of access to the receipt of services transferred under the Agreement, information on which is posted on the Site, while remaining the only person responsible for shortcomings of such information, as well as for its compliance with the requirements of the current legislation, without reference to the responsibility of third parties.

Rights and obligations of the parties

The SELLER undertakes:

Before concluding an agreement, provide the AGENT with information on basic information about the future service, the rights to access which are transferred under this Agreement, about the price and on the conditions for the transfer of the right to gain access to the service, as well as on the period within which the proposal for the conclusion of the Agreement is valid.

Do not disclose any private information of the AGENT and the BUYER and do not provide access to this information to third parties, except as otherwise provided legislation.

The SELLER has no right to change this AGREEMENT unilaterally until his conclusions.

The AGENT undertakes to accept and pay for the Ticket within the terms specified in this AGREEMENT.

Responsibilities of the Parties and Dispute Resolution

The parties are responsible for non-performance or improper performance of this Of the CONTRACT in the manner prescribed by this CONTRACT and the current the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The SELLER is not responsible for the delivery of the ORDER if the AGENT specifies incorrect delivery details.

The SELLER is not responsible if the BUYER's expectations of the service, the right of access to which is transferred under the Treaty, were not justified.

The SELLER is not responsible for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under transfer of the ticket, if they are the result of force majeure.

The AGENT, filling out the Application, is responsible for the accuracy of the provided information about the BUYER, taking into account the compliance of such information with information, her provided to the AGENT by the BUYER, and also confirms that with the terms of this I have read and agree to the AGREEMENT.

All disputes and disagreements arising from the performance of the PARTIES 'obligations under this Agreement, are resolved through negotiations. If it is impossible to eliminate them, The PARTIES have the right to apply for judicial protection of their interests, in accordance with conditions determined by the Platform Rules.

Returns and exchanges

The request of the BUYER purchasing the Ticket to exchange or return the Ticket is subject to consideration and satisfaction in accordance with the rules of the organizer, providing a service, the right of access to which is transferred under the Agreement, posted on the organizer's information resource.

Force majeure

The parties are exempt from liability for non-performance or improper performance obligations under the Agreement for the duration of the force majeure. Under an irresistible force means extraordinary and insurmountable circumstances under the given conditions, hindering the performance of their obligations by the PARTIES under this Agreement. To them include natural phenomena (earthquakes, floods, etc.), circumstances public life (military operations, states of emergency, major strikes, epidemics, etc.), prohibitive measures of state bodies (prohibition of transportation, currency restrictions, international trade ban sanctions, etc.). During this time, the PARTIES have no mutual claims, and each of the PARTIES accepts yourself at your own risk of the consequences of force majeure.

Contract duration and confidentiality

This AGREEMENT comes into force from the moment of receipt of the AGENT's Application, and ends with full fulfillment of obligations by the PARTIES.

The terms of the Agreement and additional agreements to it are confidential and not are subject to disclosure by the Parties both during the entire term of the Agreement, and in over the next 3 (Three) years, unless otherwise provided by law. Neither Party is not responsible for actions related to submission to court or other the competent authority or organization of confidential information, if the obligation to the provision of such information is provided for by applicable law.

Personal data

The SELLER is not the operator for the collection and processing of personal data.

Final clauses

The terms of the Agreement and additional agreements to it are confidential and not are subject to disclosure by the Parties both during the entire term of the Agreement, and in over the next 3 (Three) years, unless otherwise provided by law. Neither Party is not responsible for actions related to submission to court or other the competent authority or organization of confidential information, if the obligation to the provision of such information is provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Neither Party has the right to transfer its rights and obligations under this Agreement to a third party without obtaining the prior written consent of the other Party.

Requirements for Platform Members

By accepting and joining the Platform Rules, the Platform Member accepts and confirms the following circumstances.

Member of the platform โ€“ individual:

  1. Is of legal age;
  2. Is legally competent;
  3. Not limited by the court in his legal capacity;
  4. Able to understand the meaning of his actions and to lead them;
  5. Does not enter into a Deal under the influence of material delusion, deception, violence, threat or adverse circumstances.

Member of the platform โ€“ legal entity:

  1. Is a legal entity registered in accordance with the current legislation;
  2. Has no restrictions in its activities limitation imposed by the authorities of the executive or the judiciary, such as the Federal Tax Service, the Arbitration Court or the General Court jurisdiction, etc.
  3. Not in liquidation or bankruptcy proceedings;
  4. Has all the necessary permissions and consents of the authorized bodies of the legal entity or other persons to perform Transactions using the Platform;
  5. Has a valid current account for settlement of Transactions made with using the Platform;
  6. A person acting on behalf of a legal entity โ€“ A platform participant, has all the necessary rights and powers necessary to carry out transactions with using the Platform.

Registered User Profile


  1. Last name, first name, patronymic;
  2. Date of birth;
  3. Passport data;
  4. Registration address;
  5. Bank details;
  6. Phone number;
  7. Email address.

Legal entity.

  1. Full name;
  2. TIN or other registration number (in accordance with the rules of the country of registration);
  3. Location address;
  4. Powers of the person acting on behalf of the legal entity (name of the document);
  5. Bank details;
  6. Phone number;
  7. Email address.

Exclusive Promotion Rules

next โ€” "promotion"


1.1. The promotion is a promotion, is not a lottery, does not contain an element of risk and is carried out in accordance with these Promotion Rules (hereinafter โ€” "Rules").

1.2. The promotion is held on the territory of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise communicated to information of the Participants of the action at the time of purchasing Electronic tickets for the corresponding Event.


2.1. The organizer of the action is National Ticket Portal LLC. (OGRN 1097746511092, Moscow, st. Yasenevaya, d. 2 21, k. 2, 120) (hereinafter โ€” "Organizer").


Event โ€” theatrical performance, circus performance, concert in the hall, club or outdoor, exhibition, festival, show, fashion show, sports competition, excursion, as well as any other event that can be visited by presentation of a ticket and scheduled for holding on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Nominal ticket price โ€” the price of attending the Event indicated on the Site platforms, excluding the Service Fee.

Event Organizer โ€” legal entity (individual entrepreneur), which organizes and conducts Events, which has joined of this promotion and selling tickets within the framework of this promotion, providing for special conditions for the purchase of tickets.

Ticket holder - a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) or an individual a person who previously purchased a ticket from the Event Organizer who joined of this promotion and authorizing the Organizer of the promotion to sell the ticket in within the framework of this promotion, which provides for special conditions for the purchase of tickets.

Platform Resources โ€” all websites, unless otherwise stated otherwise, The organizer of the action or its affiliates, on which the organizer provides the possibility of using the Platform.

Service fee โ€” funds charged by the platform operator, in in accordance with section 9 of the Platform Rules, for services rendered under the Agency agreement.

Platform โ€“ internet site accessible at https: //portalbilet.ru/ (including all domain levels) through the full and mobile versions, which is a collection of objects of intellectual property of the Company contained in the information system and information (administrative content and user information) and providing information about the service and other offers (together โ€” "offer") that users can suggest and search on Platform for the purpose of concluding transactions.

Site platform - website at https://portalbilet.ru/.

A Participant is an individual who meets the requirements specified in section 5 of the Rules.

Ticket โ€” document or information executed electronically or on paper carrier, granting the right that the participant wishes to acquire to receive access to the service, information about which is posted on the Platform Website.

These Rules may use other terms defined by the Rules. platforms.


4.1. The general period of the promotion is from 12:00 noon on November 25 2021 to 23 hours 59 minutes on November 29, 2023 inclusive (Moscow time).


5.1. Only capable persons who have reached the age of 18, who are citizens of the Russian Federation who are users of the Platform, purchasing tickets using the Platform Site.


6.1. On the terms of the promotion using the Platform, the Event Organizer either The ticket holder sells tickets that are subject to exclusivity, i.e. these tickets at the time of exhibiting on the Platform Website are not available for purchase on other resources on the Internet or are available for purchase at cost, exceeding the cost of the offer indicated on the Platform Website.

Information about the participation of the Event in the promotion, the duration of the promotion in relation to such The Event is available to users when purchasing tickets for the relevant Event.

At the same time, access to participation on the terms of the promotion for a specific Event can be is not available to all users specified in clause 5.1 of these Rules. Information about which users are given access to participation on the terms of the promotion in relation to a particular Event is available to users when purchasing tickets for the corresponding Event.


7.1. The organizer of the action reserves the right to suspend or terminate carrying out this promotion, or changing its conditions at any time without giving reasons. By taking part in the promotion, the Participant agrees with the Rules of the promotion, accepts them and undertakes to fulfill.

7.2. Tickets purchased by the Participant within the framework of this promotion, by decision The Organizer of the Event or the Ticket Holder will not be accepted for refund, unless otherwise communicated to the Participants of the promotion at the time of purchase of tickets for the corresponding The event or is not provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. If The organizer of the Event made a decision on the admissibility of the return of tickets, purchased within the framework of this promotion, upon ticket refund, calculation of the cost of tickets (excluding the Service Fee) subject to return is carried out in accordance with Platform rules. In cases specified by the Organizer and communicated to the participant of the promotion, the calculation of the refundable cost of tickets (excluding the Service collection), carried out in accordance with the Platform Rules, may be made from the actual cost of the e-ticket paid by the participant of the promotion, excluding Service fee. The possibility of refunding tickets purchased within promotions, may be available to the participant of the promotion only when all tickets are returned, purchased within one order.

7.3. The number of tickets purchased by the Participants within the framework of this promotion, limited.

7.4. In everything that is not before provided by these Rules, the provisions of the Rules apply platforms.

Rules of the promotion "Pre-order"

next โ€” "action"


1.1. The promotion is a promotion, is not a lottery, does not contain an element of risk and is conducted in accordance with these Promotion Rules (hereinafter referred to as the "Rules").

1.2. The Promotion is held on the territory of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise notified to the Participants of the Promotion at the time of purchasing Electronic Tickets for the relevant Event.


2.1. The organizer of the promotion is Teatralny Exclusive LLC (Primary State Registration Number 1097746511092, Moscow, Yasenevaya St., 21, building 2, 120) (hereinafter referred to as the "Organizer").


Event - a theatrical performance, a circus performance, a concert in a hall, a club or an open area, an exhibition, a festival, a show, a fashion show, a sports competition, an excursion, as well as any other event that can be visited upon presentation of a ticket and is scheduled to be held on the territory Russian Federation.

Nominal ticket price โ€” the price of visiting the Event, indicated on the Platform Website, excluding the Service Fee.

Event Organizer - a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) that organizes and conducts Events, joins this promotion and sells tickets as part of this promotion, which provides for special conditions for purchasing tickets.

Ticket holder - a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) or an individual who previously purchased a ticket from the Event Organizer, joined this promotion and authorized the Promotion Organizer to sell the ticket as part of this promotion, which provides for special conditions for purchasing tickets.

Platform Resources - all websites, unless otherwise specified additionally, of the Organizer of the promotion or its affiliates, on which the Organizer provides the opportunity to use the Platform.

Service Fee - money collected by the Platform Operator, in accordance with Section 9 of the Platform Rules, for the services provided under the Agency Agreement.

Platform - an Internet site accessible at https://portalbilet.ru/ (including all domain levels) through the full and mobile versions, which is a collection of intellectual property objects of the Company and information (administrative content and user information) contained in the information system and providing information about the service and other offers (collectively, the "offer") that users can offer and search on the Platform for the purpose of concluding transactions.

Platform Website - Website at https://portalbilet.ru/.

Participant - an individual who meets the requirements specified in Section 5 of the Rules.

Ticket - a document or information issued in electronic form or on paper, granting the right, which the participant wishes to acquire, to gain access to the service, information about which is posted on the Platform Website.

These Rules may use other terms defined by the Platform Rules.


4.1. The general period of the promotion is the period from 12:00 on January 01, 2023 to 23:59 on December 31, 2023 inclusive (Moscow time).


5.1. Active persons who have reached the age of 18, who are citizens of the Russian Federation, who are users of the Platform, who purchase tickets using the Platform Website, are allowed to participate in the promotion.


6.1. According to the rules of the promotion, using the Platform, the Event Organizer or the Ticket Holder sells tickets provided on a pre-order basis, that is, the participant of the promotion expresses his intention to receive in the near future the service of gaining access to the event, which is currently being prepared for an offer for a wide range of people. Participation in the action is possible on the terms of 100% payment for the future service.

Information about the participation of the Event in the promotion, the duration of the promotion in relation to such an Event is available to users when purchasing tickets for the relevant Event.

At the same time, access to participation on the terms of a promotion for a specific Event may not be available to all users specified in clause 5.1 of these Rules. Information about which users are granted access to participate under the terms of the promotion in relation to a particular Event is available to users when purchasing tickets for the relevant Event.

The organizer of the promotion has the right to replace tickets purchased by the Client for tickets of a better or similar category without additional payment, if tickets of a similar or better category are not available, then replace them with a lower category with a refund of the difference in cost, without agreement with the Client.


7.1. The organizer of the promotion reserves the right to suspend or terminate this promotion, or change its conditions at any time without giving reasons. By participating in the promotion, the Participant agrees with the Rules of the promotion, accepts them and undertakes to comply with them.

7.2. Tickets purchased by the Participant within the framework of this promotion, by decision of the Organizer of the Event or the Ticket Holder, are not accepted for return, unless otherwise brought to the attention of the Participants of the promotion at the time of purchasing tickets for the relevant Event or is not provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. In the event that the Event Organizer has made a decision on the admissibility of returning tickets purchased under this promotion, when returning a ticket, the calculation of the cost of tickets (excluding the Service Fee) subject to return is carried out in accordance with the Rules of the platform. In cases specified by the Organizer and brought to the attention of the participant of the promotion, the calculation of the refundable cost of tickets (excluding the Service Fee), carried out in accordance with the Rules of the Platform, may be made from the actual cost of the electronic ticket paid by the participant of the promotion, excluding the Service Fee. The possibility of returning tickets purchased under the promotion may be available to the participant of the promotion only if all tickets purchased within the same order are returned.

7.3. The number of tickets purchased by Participants under this promotion is limited.

7.4. In everything that is not provided for by these Rules, the provisions of the Platform Rules shall apply.